How to Link Instagram to Facebook Business Page
Pusahma satu
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Link Instagram To Page
How To Link Instagram To Facebook Business Page
1. Make sure you're gotten in touch with the ideal Instagram account
If your business has it's own Instagram profile, make sure you're logged in with that account, not with your individual. Then click on settings.
2. Examine which accounts are connected to Instagram.
You do that with picking "connected accounts" under settings.
3. Link your individual Facebook profile with Instagram.
If you have not done that already, link your individual Facebook profile with your Instagram profile. That'll make it possible for Instagram to examine which Facebook pages are linked to your Facebook profile.
4. Change Facebook share setting from individual profile to Facebook Page.
By default Instagram sets your personal Facebook profile as the primary posting account. You'll have to alter that by picking Facebook again and change the "Share to" choice from "Timeline" to the Facebook page where you want your Instagram photos to appear if shared on Facebook.
That wasn't so hard, was it? It's the little things that can make a terrific impact. So go on, make a connection now and post your first Instagram image on your Facebook page. Users like seeing Instagram photos in their Facebook feed. Do it now and start seeing results as soon as possible.